Paper Title
Reaching To The Unreached: Popularizing Mathematics Through Community Radio Series

Mathematics education is an area of concern in India as many students do not find mathematics interesting whereas many develop a psychological phobia towards the subject. Many students drop mathematics after grade X as mathematics is optional after grade X. Adults who had left mathematics after grade X continue to live with the same phobia for mathematics. The paper presents the highlights of a unique efforts introduced by students of Master of Mathematics Education program at Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi. Students of semester I. They introduced an on-line community radio series, titled, “Popularizing mathematics among masses” through the most humble medium of communication, namely, community radio. It was an outreach program to make mathematics more eloquentand interesting for common people through the Community Radio Station. The paper also reflects on the need of more such programs in a diverse and developing country like India where multiple uses of resources through multi-media technology is the need of the hour